The Glow Up

I’ve learned a lot on this entrepreneurial journey. It’s fulfilling but it can be tough at times. I’ve always felt like I was a pretty patient person but completing all this design work myself has shown me true patience because CHIIIIII I was ready to quit, leave it as it was, pay someone (even though I used to be a freelance designer). Which actually I did and even that wasn’t good enough.

Patience really is a virtue because this Glow Up is the real deal. Add in some passion and perseverance and well, this is the dopest rebrand ever. 

The majority of the time done is better than perfect. Not this time though. I needed it to be perfect.

This vision I have for Nourish and Love Co though is huge and before my brand was whispering, that’s no longer the case.

I was afraid to redo my rebrand again but in the end the only thing that settles is at the bottom.

Welcome to The Glow Up. 

Purchase your orders now!

Shipping starts 8/12/19!